Some people say reading is stupid ,that it is a waste of time. I think otherwise.I personally think reading teaches you more than school. It opens your mind to new things, new experiences. It is a good way to pass time and a great hobby. My friends say that I read to much . My mom sais you can't read to much. So I disagree with both and " just" read. I think everyone should" just" read. Not for school or to have fun. But " just" read. Here are a list of my favorite books . I hope you will try to read one or two of these books and to let you know Inkspell is the followup of Inkheart. There is soon to be Inkdeath but that's later.
1.) The Artemis Fowl series
2.) The Harry Potter series
3.) Inkheart
4.) Inkspell
5.) Hitler's Daughter