I have always wonered why people have heros, and how to get the right hero? Well I found the anwser to those questions and a couple more.
1.) What makes a hero- A hero is somone you can look up to for a role model and someone who will ride in a car whith 5 kids and my mom to karate camp and still make a joke out of everything.
2.)Why do people have heros- almost the same as #1 so they have someone to copy and to have as a role model.
3.)How to get the right hero- I can't say how to get the right hero that is up to you and only you. If you want a superhero who saves the world to be your hero go ahead. A hero is anything you want it to be. I have to say my hero is The Gypsanator a.k.a Mistress of the universe with the purple and black belt. YEAH